Sample Paper B

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Sample Paper A

Q.1: Find the cost of fencing a rectangular park of length 400 m and breadth 250 m at the rate of Rs.11 per m.


Q.1: The length and breadth of a rectangle is 12 m and 10 m. Its perimeter will be ____. a) 120 m b) 22 m c) 44 m Q.2: The perimeter of an equilateral triangle is 90 cm. Then the length of each side of the triangle will be ___________. a) 30 cm b) 30Continue reading “Mensuration”

Mensuration (Word Problems)

Q.1: Find the cost of fencing a rectangular field of length 300 m and breadth 250 m at the rate of Rs 10 per meter. Q.2: Find the side of the regular pentagon whose perimeter is 30 m. Q.3: Find the cost of fencing a square park of side 175 m at the rate ofContinue reading “Mensuration (Word Problems)”

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